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Advantages and characteristics of the development of the mold industry

At present, the development of my country's mold manufacturing industry has formed certain advantages, and its industry cluster development has obvious advantages. Compared with decentralized production, cluster production has many advantages such as convenient collaboration, lower costs, open markets, and reduce environmental pollution. sex. The clustering of molds and the close geographical location of enterprises are conducive to the formation of a highly detailed and closely coordinated professional division of labor and cooperation system, and the advantages of social division of labor can make up for the shortcomings of small and medium-sized enterprises that are not economical in scale, effectively reducing production costs and transaction costs; industrial clusters Enable each enterprise to make full use of its own location, resources, material and technical foundation, division of labor system, production and sales network, etc., one place, one product, mutual gathering, rolling development, providing conditions for the formation of a professional market in the region; clusters form regional economies of scale, enterprises Can often win in price and quality, deliver on time, and increase the bargaining chip in the negotiation, which is conducive to expanding the international market. With technological development and changes in demand, the process is becoming increasingly specialized, and the clustering of molds provides a lot for specialized manufacturers. Great chance of survival, but also enables them to achieve large-scale production, the two form a virtuous circle, and continuously improve the overall production efficiency of enterprise clusters.

The development of my country's mold manufacturing industry has its own characteristics. Regional development is unbalanced. For a long time, the development of my country's mold industry has been uneven in geographical distribution. The southeast coastal area has developed faster than the central and western regions, and the south has developed faster than the north. The most concentrated areas of mold production are the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River. In the delta region, its mold output value accounts for more than two-thirds of the national output value; my country's mold industry is expanding from the more developed Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions to the inland and the north, and some new mold production is more concentrated in the industrial layout. Among the regions, there are Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Changsha, Chengdu-Chongqing, Wuhan, Anhui and other regions. The development of mold clusters has become a new feature, and mold parks (cities, clusters, etc.) continue to emerge. With the needs of industrial adjustment and transformation and upgrading in various regions, all regions are paying more attention to the development of the mold industry. The trend of adjustment of my country's mold industry layout has become clear, and the division of labor in various industrial clusters has become more and more detailed.

According to statistics from relevant departments, there are currently about 100 mold industry parks in my country that have been built and are beginning to take shape, and some mold industry parks are under planning. It is believed that my country will develop into a world mold manufacturing center in the future.