

Focus on current issues

Academicians and hundreds of experts gathered together to discuss the standardization development of home appliance molds

On November 23, the "2019 First China Smart Appliance Mold Technology and Standardization Summit Forum" co-sponsored by the Hefei Municipal People's Government and the National Mold Standardization Technical Committee was held in Hefei.

Academician Li Dequn of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yin Minghan, Inspector of the Department of Standards and Technology of the State Administration of Market Supervision, Liu Yonglong, Deputy Secretary-General of Hefei Municipal People’s Government, Qin Ke, Secretary-General of China Die & Mould Industry Association, Vice President of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, SINOMACH Guilin Electric Power Research Institute Party committee secretary and chairman Dong Sha and other experts and leaders attended the conference. There were also more than 300 guests including well-known domestic experts and scholars, professors and professional leaders of relevant universities, industry associations and business leaders. Wang Chong, secretary general of the National Mold Standardization Technical Committee, presided over the opening ceremony.

Liu Yonglong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Hefei Municipal People's Government, introduced the home appliance industry as a beautiful business card of Hefei to the guests. Hefei's total output of the “four major pieces” of home appliances in 2018 ranked first in the country with 70.449 million units for eight consecutive years. "Vigorously cultivating innovation platforms and boosting industrial development" is the secret of Hefei's economic and social development in recent years. Many academician workstations, national key laboratories or engineering centers have settled in Hefei.

Yin Minghan, Inspector of the Standards and Technology Department of the State Administration of Market Supervision, pointed out in his speech that China's standardization work will further focus on boosting high-tech innovation with high standards, promoting high-level openness, and leading high-quality development; continuously strengthen the integration of standards and innovation, and promote policy, Rules and standards are organically connected.

The arrival of the 5G era not only brings unprecedented development opportunities for the intelligentization of home appliances, but also poses greater challenges for mold standards. The theme of this summit forum is "Innovation leads the development of smart home appliances standards to help upgrade the home appliance industry". With the standardization of smart home appliance molds in the new era as the background, in-depth exchanges of mold intelligent innovation technology and mold standardization in enterprise practice and application

Academician Li Dequn mentioned in the report that the level of material forming is the main indicator of a country’s manufacturing technology and independent innovation capability. Emerging material forming has played an important role in the national strategic industry and laid a good foundation for intelligent manufacturing. The industry is about to enter a new development period of "from big to strong".

The technical exchanges of the summit forum were hosted by Tao Shanhu, Jiang Peng, and Chen Wenlin, deputy secretary general of the National Mold Standardization Technical Committee.

Professor Liu Chuntai from the National Engineering Research Center for Rubber and Plastic Moulds of Zhengzhou University introduced structured and lightweight polymer material molding and mould technology, demonstrated the main research directions of the National Engineering Research Center for Rubber and Plastic Moulds, and put forward the national strategic task for polymer processing The challenge is the real integration of material-process mold-performance, and the real integration of production-learning-research.

Zhang Ping, R&D director of Qingdao Haier Mould Co., Ltd. and National Home Appliance Mould Technology Research Center, reviewed the development process of home appliance mould and looked forward to the development prospects of home appliance mould in the report. He introduced the current research direction of the National Home Appliance Mould Technology Research Center around Advanced mold forming technology and new mold structure, digital mold technology, high-efficiency precision mold processing technology, mold enterprise information management four directions to carry out major key, basic and common technology research.

Secretary-General Wang Chong pointed out in the report that now developed countries have generally upgraded standardization to a national strategy. China has issued a series of policy incentives to support standardization work from the central to the local level. Hefei's policy for leading the formulation of various standards is in the country. It is also at the forefront. Secretary-General Wang Chong also introduced that the first domestic mold international standard "Die Terminology", which is currently led by the National Mold Standardization Technical Committee, is in the critical voting stage and is expected to be released this year.

Professor Zhuang Xincun from Shanghai Jiaotong University introduced the application of simulation technology in the development of smart home appliance parts. The report involved accurate simulation technology (process-mold-equipment integration), process robust design for material fluctuations, product structure and service performance analysis Technical content such as optimization and optimization.

In the report, Wang Youyin of Hefei Midea Refrigerator Co., Ltd. emphasized the challenge of product upgrades to molds, expounded the transformation and innovation of molds, and made molds a strong guarantee for product upgrades!

In addition, experts from domestic research institutes and enterprises also focus on "standardization and creative structure in home appliance moulds", "mould cloud Saas platform Fu empowers home appliance mould intelligent manufacturing", and "precision home appliance mould surface treatment new technology HKS- A series of academic and practical sharing, such as "G Technology and Application", "Mutual Recognition Evaluation Progress of Key Industrial Mould Products in Typical Areas of the Belt and Road", discussed new development ideas from home appliance mould technology in an all-round way.

Starting from different perspectives and different applications, this forum discussed the latest progress and achievements of smart home appliance mould technology and standardization in the new era, laying a solid foundation for the future development of smart home appliance mould technology and standardization.